Gender Guesser

API documentation

Gender Guesser is powered by Namsor. Namsor has developed a name checking technology, able to create comprehensive analysis through multiple processing. Our API can classify names by gender and supports many alphabets*.



API Requests and Responses

  • Every endpoint delivers JSON with either an individual object or a nested set of objects..
  • At present, some NamSor API endpoints incorporate nested object configurations in their request body or responses. Kindly consult the relevant code sample for guidance.
  • Note that in the code samples, data has been transformed to URL encoded ASCII code characters when required. For instance, 谢晓亮 becomes %E8%B0%A2%E6%99%93%E4%BA%AE. URLs don't support spaces or non-ASCII characters. When sending GET requests to the API, use URL encoding to change non-ASCII characters into a web-friendly format.

Data Privacy

Out of the box, Namsor's machine learning system can enhance data assessments using input data and keeps logs of the requests made. These settings can be altered through your user profile or via specific API endpoints. Every data log undergoes AES encryption prior to storage.

To prevent machine learning from using your submitted data, adjust the learnable option to false under the "Enhance privacy" category on the my account page. When this setting is turned off for an API key, the respective data won't contribute to the machine learning process.

To turn off the record of service use, adjust the anonymized option to true under the "Enhance privacy" category on the my account page. If this setting is enabled for an API key, any data processed with that key undergoes irreversible anonymization via SHA encryption. It's important to mention that even with anonymized data, the smart handling of repetitive queries remains operational.


API Key Creation

Accounts for customers are consistent across all Namsor group websites. To generate an API key, head to Namsor or any other site under the Namsor umbrella and register an account. Once registered, go to the account details page to obtain your API key. Your fresh account includes 500 complimentary credits, which you can promptly utilize with any of Namsor's offerings, be it the API, spreadsheet tool, or Developer tools.

API Key Installation

Include your API key in the request header under the X-API-KEY attribute. For proper key integration, kindly consult the given code examples.


Substitute your-api-key with your actual Namsor API key.


What are Credits

Our usage is monitored through a credit system. Every package offers a set number of monthly credits and a fee for any requests beyond this allocation. The complimentary Basic plan provides 500 credits, but if you need more, additional plans are on offer. To give you an idea, with 500 credits, you can either:

  • Analyze 500 names to ascertain their gender.

Admin routes are free.

Repeated Operations Tolerance

Our API is designed with intelligent processing, allowing you to analyze the same data up to 20 times without additional charges. So, if you input the same full name five times to deduce its gender, it will cost you just 1 credit.

Soft Limit vs Hard Limit

Within your user account, you have the option to establish two kinds of credit consumption boundaries:

  • A soft limit which, upon being hit, will prompt an email alert.
  • A hard limit which, once attained, will both send an email warning and deactivate the API key.

Track Usage

You have two methods to monitor your credit consumption: either view the visuals in your user profile or access the relevant Admin pathways (API Usage, API Usage History, and API Usage History Aggregate).


  • 401UnauthorizedIncorrect ir missing API Key.
  • 403ForbiddenAPI Key Disabled or API Limit Reached.
  • 404Not FoundThe designated path was not located.
  • 500Internal Server ErrorServer issue. Please retry after some time.

Gender from names

Estimate the gender based on a first name, an optional surname, or a complete undistinguished name. Incorporating the surname allows our system to determine geographical context, enhancing gender prediction. The function that separates full names into "First & last name" tends to be more precise than the one that takes "Full name" as a whole.

Genderize Name

The Genderize Name tool examines both a first name and an optional surname to deduce the dominant gender. Its precision is somewhat superior to the Genderize Full Name function, and providing both first and last names bolsters the accuracy. It delivers the primary gender with an associated adjusted likelihood. Names that present a gender likelihood between 40% and 50% are considered unisex.


  • Detail: Delivers the probable gender for up to 100 first names, with optional surnames.
  • Accuracy:Accuracy gauge
  • Cost: 1 credit per name.
  • Test: Genderize Name feature.

HTTP request:

http request
Request header:
X-API-KEYRequiredYour API key for Namsor's services.
Request body:
personalNamesArray of objectsRequiredA list of personal names.
[{...}].idStringOptionalUnique identifier.
[{...}].firstNameStringRequiredFirst name, given name, nickname.
[{...}].lastNameStringOptionalLast name, family name, surname.
personalNamesArray of objectsRoster of provided names with their assigned genders.
[{...}].scriptStringThe name's script presented, in ISO 15924 notation.Script
[{...}].idStringGiven unique identifier.
[{...}].firstNameStringProvided first name.
[{...}].lastNameStringProvided last name.
[{...}].likelyGenderStringMost likely gender.Genders
[{...}].genderScaleNumberThe gender scale spans from -1 (indicating male) to +1 (signifying female).
[{...}].scoreNumberA greater value suggests a more dependable outcome; the score isn't normalized..
[{...}].probabilityCalibratedNumberA higher value indicates a more trustworthy outcome, with a scale from 0 to 1.
Code sample:

Genderize Name code sample for javascript:

const response = await fetch("", {
"method": "POST",
"headers": {
  "X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
  "Accept": "application/json",
  "Content-Type": "application/json"
"body": JSON.stringify({
  "personalNames": [
      "id": "59b9393d-8dc4-464e-a26e-6b6841621e24",
      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Smith"

if (response.ok) {
const data = await response.json(); // Extract JSON data from response
console.log(data); // View data in the console
} else {
console.error("The request failed with status:", response.status, response);

Body parameter:

  "personalNames": [
      "id": "59b9393d-8dc4-464e-a26e-6b6841621e24",
      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Smith"

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "personalNames": [
            "script": "LATIN",
            "id": "59b9393d-8dc4-464e-a26e-6b6841621e24",
            "firstName": "John",
            "lastName": "Smith",
            "likelyGender": "male",
            "genderScale": -0.9757694244599513,
            "score": 10.622513344078705,
            "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9878847122299756

Genderize Name code sample for python:

import requests

url = ""

payload = {
  "personalNames": [
      "id": "59b9393d-8dc4-464e-a26e-6b6841621e24",
      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Smith"
headers = {
"X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json"

response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)


Body parameter:

  "personalNames": [
      "id": "59b9393d-8dc4-464e-a26e-6b6841621e24",
      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Smith"

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "personalNames": [
            "script": "LATIN",
            "id": "59b9393d-8dc4-464e-a26e-6b6841621e24",
            "firstName": "John",
            "lastName": "Smith",
            "likelyGender": "male",
            "genderScale": -0.9757694244599513,
            "score": 10.622513344078705,
            "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9878847122299756

Genderize Name code sample for shell:

curl --request POST \ 
--url \
--header 'X-API-KEY: your-api-key' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"personalNames":[{"id":"59b9393d-8dc4-464e-a26e-6b6841621e24","firstName":"John","lastName":"Smith"}]}'

Body parameter:

  "personalNames": [
      "id": "59b9393d-8dc4-464e-a26e-6b6841621e24",
      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Smith"

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "personalNames": [
            "script": "LATIN",
            "id": "59b9393d-8dc4-464e-a26e-6b6841621e24",
            "firstName": "John",
            "lastName": "Smith",
            "likelyGender": "male",
            "genderScale": -0.9757694244599513,
            "score": 10.622513344078705,
            "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9878847122299756

Genderize Name code sample for java:

HttpResponse<String> response ="")
.header("X-API-KEY", "your-api-key")
.header("Accept", "application/json")
.header("Content-Type", "application/json")

Body parameter:

  "personalNames": [
      "id": "59b9393d-8dc4-464e-a26e-6b6841621e24",
      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Smith"

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "personalNames": [
            "script": "LATIN",
            "id": "59b9393d-8dc4-464e-a26e-6b6841621e24",
            "firstName": "John",
            "lastName": "Smith",
            "likelyGender": "male",
            "genderScale": -0.9757694244599513,
            "score": 10.622513344078705,
            "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9878847122299756

For GET method requests, every parameter is mandatory. For a smoother experience with our requests, we suggest opting for the POST method.

  • Detail: Estimate the most likely gender from a first name and an optional last name.
  • Accuracy:Accuracy gauge
  • Cost: 1 credit per name.
  • Test: Genderize Name feature.

HTTP request:

http request
Request header:
X-API-KEYRequiredYour API key for Namsor's services.
Request parameters
firstNameStringRequiredFirst name, given name, nickname.
lastNameStringRequiredLast name, family name, surname.
scriptStringThe name's script presented, in ISO 15924 notation.Script
idStringUnique identifier.
firstNameStringProvided first name.
lastNameStringProvided last name.
likelyGenderStringMost likely gender.Genders
genderScaleNumberThe gender scale spans from -1 (indicating male) to +1 (signifying female).
scoreNumberA greater value suggests a more dependable outcome; the score isn't normalized..
probabilityCalibratedNumberA higher value indicates a more trustworthy outcome, with a scale from 0 to 1.
Code sample:

Genderize Name code sample for javascript:

const response = await fetch("", {
"method": "GET",
"headers": {
  "X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
  "Accept": "application/json"

if (response.ok) {
const data = await response.json(); // Extract JSON data from response
console.log(data); // View data in the console
} else {
console.error("The request failed with status:", response.status, response);

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "script": "LATIN",
    "id": "59b9393d-8dc4-464e-a26e-6b6841621e24",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Smith",
    "likelyGender": "male",
    "genderScale": -0.9757694244599513,
    "score": 10.622513344078705,
    "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9878847122299756

Genderize Name code sample for python:

import requests

url = ""

headers = {
"X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
"Accept": "application/json"

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers)


The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "script": "LATIN",
    "id": "59b9393d-8dc4-464e-a26e-6b6841621e24",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Smith",
    "likelyGender": "male",
    "genderScale": -0.9757694244599513,
    "score": 10.622513344078705,
    "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9878847122299756

Genderize Name code sample for shell:

curl --request GET \ 
--url \
--header 'X-API-KEY: your-api-key' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "script": "LATIN",
    "id": "59b9393d-8dc4-464e-a26e-6b6841621e24",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Smith",
    "likelyGender": "male",
    "genderScale": -0.9757694244599513,
    "score": 10.622513344078705,
    "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9878847122299756

Genderize Name code sample for java:

HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get("")
.header("X-API-KEY", "your-api-key")
.header("Accept", "application/json")

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "script": "LATIN",
    "id": "59b9393d-8dc4-464e-a26e-6b6841621e24",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Smith",
    "likelyGender": "male",
    "genderScale": -0.9757694244599513,
    "score": 10.622513344078705,
    "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9878847122299756

Genderize Full Name

The Genderize Full Name tool examines a full name, which includes both first and last names, to deduce its gender. The function provides the gender along with a likelihood score. Names with a likelihood score ranging between 40% and 50% are viewed as unisex.


When the first and last names are distinctly recognizable, the Genderize Name function tends to have enhanced precision.


  • Detail: Delivers the probable gender for up to 100 undivided full names.
  • Accuracy:Accuracy gauge
  • Cost: 1 credit per name.
  • Test: Genderize Full Name feature.

HTTP request:

http request
Request header:
X-API-KEYRequiredYour API key for Namsor's services.
Request body:
personalNamesArray of objectsRequiredA list of personal full names.
[{...}].idStringOptionalUnique identifier.
[{...}].nameStringRequiredA combined full name (comprising both first and last names)..
personalNamesArray of objectsRoster of provided full names with determined genders.
[{...}].scriptStringThe name's script presented, in ISO 15924 notation.Script
[{...}].idStringGiven unique identifier.
[{...}].nameStringProvided full name.
[{...}].likelyGenderStringMost likely gender.Genders
[{...}].genderScaleNumberThe gender scale spans from -1 (indicating male) to +1 (signifying female).
[{...}].scoreNumberA greater value suggests a more dependable outcome; the score isn't normalized..
[{...}].probabilityCalibratedNumberA higher value indicates a more trustworthy outcome, with a scale from 0 to 1.
Code sample:

Genderize Full Name code sample for javascript:

const response = await fetch("", {
"method": "POST",
"headers": {
  "X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
  "Accept": "application/json",
  "Content-Type": "application/json"
"body": JSON.stringify({
  "personalNames": [
      "id": "0b81a1d0-b625-4a89-b4f8-8fee1d1326ce",
      "name": "John Smith"

if (response.ok) {
const data = await response.json(); // Extract JSON data from response
console.log(data); // View data in the console
} else {
console.error("The request failed with status:", response.status, response);

Body parameter:

  "personalNames": [
      "id": "0b81a1d0-b625-4a89-b4f8-8fee1d1326ce",
      "name": "John Smith"

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "personalNames": [
            "script": "LATIN",
            "id": "0b81a1d0-b625-4a89-b4f8-8fee1d1326ce",
            "name": "John Smith",
            "likelyGender": "male",
            "genderScale": -0.929374967691815,
            "score": 11.53988881064575,
            "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9646874838459075

Genderize Full Name code sample for python:

import requests

url = ""

payload = {
  "personalNames": [
      "id": "0b81a1d0-b625-4a89-b4f8-8fee1d1326ce",
      "name": "John Smith"
headers = {
"X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json"

response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)


Body parameter:

  "personalNames": [
      "id": "0b81a1d0-b625-4a89-b4f8-8fee1d1326ce",
      "name": "John Smith"

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "personalNames": [
            "script": "LATIN",
            "id": "0b81a1d0-b625-4a89-b4f8-8fee1d1326ce",
            "name": "John Smith",
            "likelyGender": "male",
            "genderScale": -0.929374967691815,
            "score": 11.53988881064575,
            "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9646874838459075

Genderize Full Name code sample for shell:

curl --request POST \ 
--url \
--header 'X-API-KEY: your-api-key' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"personalNames":[{"id":"0b81a1d0-b625-4a89-b4f8-8fee1d1326ce","name":"John Smith"}]}'

Body parameter:

  "personalNames": [
      "id": "0b81a1d0-b625-4a89-b4f8-8fee1d1326ce",
      "name": "John Smith"

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "personalNames": [
            "script": "LATIN",
            "id": "0b81a1d0-b625-4a89-b4f8-8fee1d1326ce",
            "name": "John Smith",
            "likelyGender": "male",
            "genderScale": -0.929374967691815,
            "score": 11.53988881064575,
            "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9646874838459075

Genderize Full Name code sample for java:

HttpResponse<String> response ="")
.header("X-API-KEY", "your-api-key")
.header("Accept", "application/json")
.header("Content-Type", "application/json")
.body("{\"personalNames\":[{\"id\":\"0b81a1d0-b625-4a89-b4f8-8fee1d1326ce\",\"name\":\"John Smith\"}]}")

Body parameter:

  "personalNames": [
      "id": "0b81a1d0-b625-4a89-b4f8-8fee1d1326ce",
      "name": "John Smith"

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "personalNames": [
            "script": "LATIN",
            "id": "0b81a1d0-b625-4a89-b4f8-8fee1d1326ce",
            "name": "John Smith",
            "likelyGender": "male",
            "genderScale": -0.929374967691815,
            "score": 11.53988881064575,
            "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9646874838459075

For GET method requests, every parameter is mandatory. For a smoother experience with our requests, we suggest opting for the POST method.

HTTP request:

http request
Request header:
X-API-KEYRequiredYour API key for Namsor's services.
Request parameters
nameStringRequiredA combined full name (comprising both first and last names)..
scriptStringThe name's script presented, in ISO 15924 notation.Script
idStringUnique identifier.
nameStringProvided full name.
likelyGenderStringMost likely gender.Genders
genderScaleNumberThe gender scale spans from -1 (indicating male) to +1 (signifying female).
scoreNumberA greater value suggests a more dependable outcome; the score isn't normalized..
probabilityCalibratedNumberA higher value indicates a more trustworthy outcome, with a scale from 0 to 1.
Code sample:

Genderize Full Name code sample for javascript:

const response = await fetch("", {
"method": "GET",
"headers": {
  "X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
  "Accept": "application/json"

if (response.ok) {
const data = await response.json(); // Extract JSON data from response
console.log(data); // View data in the console
} else {
console.error("The request failed with status:", response.status, response);

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "script": "LATIN",
    "id": "0b81a1d0-b625-4a89-b4f8-8fee1d1326ce",
    "name": "John Smith",
    "likelyGender": "male",
    "genderScale": -0.929374967691815,
    "score": 11.53988881064575,
    "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9646874838459075

Genderize Full Name code sample for python:

import requests

url = ""

headers = {
"X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
"Accept": "application/json"

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers)


The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "script": "LATIN",
    "id": "0b81a1d0-b625-4a89-b4f8-8fee1d1326ce",
    "name": "John Smith",
    "likelyGender": "male",
    "genderScale": -0.929374967691815,
    "score": 11.53988881064575,
    "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9646874838459075

Genderize Full Name code sample for shell:

curl --request GET \ 
--url \
--header 'X-API-KEY: your-api-key' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "script": "LATIN",
    "id": "0b81a1d0-b625-4a89-b4f8-8fee1d1326ce",
    "name": "John Smith",
    "likelyGender": "male",
    "genderScale": -0.929374967691815,
    "score": 11.53988881064575,
    "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9646874838459075

Genderize Full Name code sample for java:

HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get("")
.header("X-API-KEY", "your-api-key")
.header("Accept", "application/json")

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "script": "LATIN",
    "id": "0b81a1d0-b625-4a89-b4f8-8fee1d1326ce",
    "name": "John Smith",
    "likelyGender": "male",
    "genderScale": -0.929374967691815,
    "score": 11.53988881064575,
    "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9646874838459075

Gender from names improved with a local context

Identify the gender using a specified name and, when available, a surname, or a whole full name. The accuracy is heightened when local context clues, such as country of residence or origin, are provided. By considering this localized or cultural backdrop, the system examines the name against its environmental, historical, and modern influences. This approach refines the system's capacity to precisely gauge the gender linked with the name.

Genderize Name Geo

The Genderize Name Geo tool scrutinizes a first name and, if provided, a last name, taking into account the local context (country of origin or residence), to pinpoint the most likely gender. This approach offers heightened accuracy compared to the standard Genderize Name function, especially when both first and last names are supplied. It provides the most likely gender along with a normalized probability. Names with gender probabilities ranging between 40% and 50% are viewed as gender-neutral.


  • Detail: Provides the probable gender for up to 100 first names, with optional last names, based on their regional background.
  • Accuracy:Accuracy gauge
  • Cost: 1 credit per name.
  • Test: Genderize Name Geo feature.

HTTP request:

http request
Request header:
X-API-KEYRequiredYour API key for Namsor's services.
Request body:
personalNamesArray of objectsRequiredA compilation of individual names along with their associated local backgrounds.
[{...}].idStringOptionalUnique identifier.
[{...}].firstNameStringRequiredFirst name, given name, nickname.
[{...}].lastNameStringOptionalLast name, family name, surname.
[{...}].countryIso2StringRequiredLocal context (country of residence, country of origin, etc), in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format.
personalNamesArray of objectsRoster of submited names with their assigned genders.
[{...}].scriptStringThe name's script presented, in ISO 15924 notation.Script
[{...}].idStringGiven unique identifier.
[{...}].firstNameStringProvided first name.
[{...}].lastNameStringProvided last name.
[{...}].likelyGenderStringMost likely gender.Genders
[{...}].genderScaleNumberThe gender scale spans from -1 (indicating male) to +1 (signifying female).
[{...}].scoreNumberA greater value suggests a more dependable outcome; the score isn't normalized..
[{...}].probabilityCalibratedNumberA higher value indicates a more trustworthy outcome, with a scale from 0 to 1.
Code sample:

Genderize Name Geo code sample for javascript:

const response = await fetch("", {
"method": "POST",
"headers": {
  "X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
  "Accept": "application/json",
  "Content-Type": "application/json"
"body": JSON.stringify({
  "personalNames": [
      "id": "fbd28ba3-7a9d-46e3-8f6f-a8cbc71e0ee2",
      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Smith",
      "countryIso2": "US"

if (response.ok) {
const data = await response.json(); // Extract JSON data from response
console.log(data); // View data in the console
} else {
console.error("The request failed with status:", response.status, response);

Body parameter:

  "personalNames": [
      "id": "fbd28ba3-7a9d-46e3-8f6f-a8cbc71e0ee2",
      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Smith",
      "countryIso2": "US"

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "personalNames": [
            "script": "LATIN",
            "id": "fbd28ba3-7a9d-46e3-8f6f-a8cbc71e0ee2",
            "firstName": "John",
            "lastName": "Smith",
            "likelyGender": "male",
            "genderScale": -0.9999601946111383,
            "score": 17.734397494023867,
            "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9999800973055691

Genderize Name Geo code sample for python:

import requests

url = ""

payload = {
  "personalNames": [
      "id": "fbd28ba3-7a9d-46e3-8f6f-a8cbc71e0ee2",
      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Smith",
      "countryIso2": "US"
headers = {
"X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json"

response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)


Body parameter:

  "personalNames": [
      "id": "fbd28ba3-7a9d-46e3-8f6f-a8cbc71e0ee2",
      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Smith",
      "countryIso2": "US"

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "personalNames": [
            "script": "LATIN",
            "id": "fbd28ba3-7a9d-46e3-8f6f-a8cbc71e0ee2",
            "firstName": "John",
            "lastName": "Smith",
            "likelyGender": "male",
            "genderScale": -0.9999601946111383,
            "score": 17.734397494023867,
            "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9999800973055691

Genderize Name Geo code sample for shell:

curl --request POST \ 
--url \
--header 'X-API-KEY: your-api-key' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"personalNames":[{"id":"fbd28ba3-7a9d-46e3-8f6f-a8cbc71e0ee2","firstName":"John","lastName":"Smith","countryIso2":"US"}]}'

Body parameter:

  "personalNames": [
      "id": "fbd28ba3-7a9d-46e3-8f6f-a8cbc71e0ee2",
      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Smith",
      "countryIso2": "US"

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "personalNames": [
            "script": "LATIN",
            "id": "fbd28ba3-7a9d-46e3-8f6f-a8cbc71e0ee2",
            "firstName": "John",
            "lastName": "Smith",
            "likelyGender": "male",
            "genderScale": -0.9999601946111383,
            "score": 17.734397494023867,
            "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9999800973055691

Genderize Name Geo code sample for java:

HttpResponse<String> response ="")
.header("X-API-KEY", "your-api-key")
.header("Accept", "application/json")
.header("Content-Type", "application/json")

Body parameter:

  "personalNames": [
      "id": "fbd28ba3-7a9d-46e3-8f6f-a8cbc71e0ee2",
      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Smith",
      "countryIso2": "US"

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "personalNames": [
            "script": "LATIN",
            "id": "fbd28ba3-7a9d-46e3-8f6f-a8cbc71e0ee2",
            "firstName": "John",
            "lastName": "Smith",
            "likelyGender": "male",
            "genderScale": -0.9999601946111383,
            "score": 17.734397494023867,
            "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9999800973055691

For GET method requests, every parameter is mandatory. For a smoother experience with our requests, we suggest opting for the POST method.

  • Detail: Estimate the most likely gender from a first name and an optional last name.
  • Accuracy:Accuracy gauge
  • Cost: 1 credit per name.
  • Test: Genderize Name Geo feature.

HTTP request:

http request
Request header:
X-API-KEYRequiredYour API key for Namsor's services.
Request parameters
firstNameStringRequiredFirst name, given name, nickname.
lastNameStringRequiredLast name, family name, surname.
scriptStringThe name's script presented, in ISO 15924 notation.Script
idStringUnique identifier.
firstNameStringProvided first name.
lastNameStringProvided last name.
likelyGenderStringMost likely gender.Genders
genderScaleNumberThe gender scale spans from -1 (indicating male) to +1 (signifying female).
scoreNumberA greater value suggests a more dependable outcome; the score isn't normalized..
probabilityCalibratedNumberA higher value indicates a more trustworthy outcome, with a scale from 0 to 1.
Code sample:

Genderize Name code sample for javascript:

const response = await fetch("", {
"method": "GET",
"headers": {
  "X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
  "Accept": "application/json"

if (response.ok) {
const data = await response.json(); // Extract JSON data from response
console.log(data); // View data in the console
} else {
console.error("The request failed with status:", response.status, response);

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "script": "LATIN",
    "id": "59b9393d-8dc4-464e-a26e-6b6841621e24",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Smith",
    "likelyGender": "male",
    "genderScale": -0.9757694244599513,
    "score": 10.622513344078705,
    "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9878847122299756

Genderize Name code sample for python:

import requests

url = ""

headers = {
"X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
"Accept": "application/json"

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers)


The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "script": "LATIN",
    "id": "59b9393d-8dc4-464e-a26e-6b6841621e24",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Smith",
    "likelyGender": "male",
    "genderScale": -0.9757694244599513,
    "score": 10.622513344078705,
    "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9878847122299756

Genderize Name code sample for shell:

curl --request GET \ 
--url \
--header 'X-API-KEY: your-api-key' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "script": "LATIN",
    "id": "59b9393d-8dc4-464e-a26e-6b6841621e24",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Smith",
    "likelyGender": "male",
    "genderScale": -0.9757694244599513,
    "score": 10.622513344078705,
    "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9878847122299756

Genderize Name code sample for java:

HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get("")
.header("X-API-KEY", "your-api-key")
.header("Accept", "application/json")

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "script": "LATIN",
    "id": "59b9393d-8dc4-464e-a26e-6b6841621e24",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Smith",
    "likelyGender": "male",
    "genderScale": -0.9757694244599513,
    "score": 10.622513344078705,
    "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9878847122299756

Genderize Full Name Geo

The Genderize Full Name Geo tool scrutinizes a full name, which includes both the first and last names, factoring in the country of residence, to pinpoint its most likely gender. This approach offers greater precision than the standard Genderize Full Name function. It provides the gender as well as a probability. Names with a probability close to 50% are considered unisex.


When the first and last names are distinctly recognizable, the Genderize Name Geo function tends to have enhanced precision.


  • Detail: Provides the probable gender for up to 100 whole full names based on their regional background.
  • Accuracy:Accuracy gauge
  • Cost: 1 credit per name.
  • Test: Genderize Full Name Geo feature.

HTTP request:

http request
Request header:
X-API-KEYRequiredYour API key for Namsor's services.
Request body:
personalNamesArray of objectsRequiredA roster of individual names with their associated local backgrounds.
[{...}].idStringOptionalUnique identifier.
[{...}].nameStringRequiredA combined full name (comprising both first and last names)..
[{...}].countryIso2StringRequiredLocal context (country of residence, country of origin, etc), in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format.
personalNamesArray of objectsRoster of provided full names with determined genders.
[{...}].scriptStringThe name's script presented, in ISO 15924 notation.Script
[{...}].idStringGiven unique identifier.
[{...}].nameStringProvided full name.
[{...}].likelyGenderStringMost likely gender.Genders
[{...}].genderScaleNumberThe gender scale spans from -1 (indicating male) to +1 (signifying female).
[{...}].scoreNumberA greater value suggests a more dependable outcome; the score isn't normalized..
[{...}].probabilityCalibratedNumberA higher value indicates a more trustworthy outcome, with a scale from 0 to 1.
Code sample:

Genderize Full Name Geo code sample for javascript:

const response = await fetch("", {
"method": "POST",
"headers": {
  "X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
  "Accept": "application/json",
  "Content-Type": "application/json"
"body": JSON.stringify({
  "personalNames": [
      "id": "db97a06b-21e5-4716-b214-4310f2c27b34",
      "name": "John Smith",
      "countryIso2": "US"

if (response.ok) {
const data = await response.json(); // Extract JSON data from response
console.log(data); // View data in the console
} else {
console.error("The request failed with status:", response.status, response);

Body parameter:

  "personalNames": [
      "id": "db97a06b-21e5-4716-b214-4310f2c27b34",
      "name": "John Smith",
      "countryIso2": "US"

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "personalNames": [
            "script": "LATIN",
            "id": "db97a06b-21e5-4716-b214-4310f2c27b34",
            "name": "John Smith",
            "likelyGender": "male",
            "genderScale": -0.929844340168597,
            "score": 11.61845253624304,
            "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9649221700842985

Genderize Full Name Geo code sample for python:

import requests

url = ""

payload = {
  "personalNames": [
      "id": "db97a06b-21e5-4716-b214-4310f2c27b34",
      "name": "John Smith",
      "countryIso2": "US"
headers = {
"X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json"

response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)


Body parameter:

  "personalNames": [
      "id": "db97a06b-21e5-4716-b214-4310f2c27b34",
      "name": "John Smith",
      "countryIso2": "US"

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "personalNames": [
            "script": "LATIN",
            "id": "db97a06b-21e5-4716-b214-4310f2c27b34",
            "name": "John Smith",
            "likelyGender": "male",
            "genderScale": -0.929844340168597,
            "score": 11.61845253624304,
            "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9649221700842985

Genderize Full Name Geo code sample for shell:

curl --request POST \ 
--url \
--header 'X-API-KEY: your-api-key' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"personalNames":[{"id":"db97a06b-21e5-4716-b214-4310f2c27b34","name":"John Smith","countryIso2":"US"}]}'

Body parameter:

  "personalNames": [
      "id": "db97a06b-21e5-4716-b214-4310f2c27b34",
      "name": "John Smith",
      "countryIso2": "US"

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "personalNames": [
            "script": "LATIN",
            "id": "db97a06b-21e5-4716-b214-4310f2c27b34",
            "name": "John Smith",
            "likelyGender": "male",
            "genderScale": -0.929844340168597,
            "score": 11.61845253624304,
            "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9649221700842985

Genderize Full Name Geo code sample for java:

HttpResponse<String> response ="")
.header("X-API-KEY", "your-api-key")
.header("Accept", "application/json")
.header("Content-Type", "application/json")
.body("{\"personalNames\":[{\"id\":\"db97a06b-21e5-4716-b214-4310f2c27b34\",\"name\":\"John Smith\",\"countryIso2\":\"US\"}]}")

Body parameter:

  "personalNames": [
      "id": "db97a06b-21e5-4716-b214-4310f2c27b34",
      "name": "John Smith",
      "countryIso2": "US"

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "personalNames": [
            "script": "LATIN",
            "id": "db97a06b-21e5-4716-b214-4310f2c27b34",
            "name": "John Smith",
            "likelyGender": "male",
            "genderScale": -0.929844340168597,
            "score": 11.61845253624304,
            "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9649221700842985

For GET method requests, every parameter is mandatory. For a smoother experience with our requests, we suggest opting for the POST method.

HTTP request:

http request
Request header:
X-API-KEYRequiredYour API key for Namsor's services.
Request parameters
nameStringRequiredA combined full name (comprising both first and last names)..
scriptStringThe name's script presented, in ISO 15924 notation.Script
idStringUnique identifier.
nameStringProvided full name.
likelyGenderStringMost likely gender.Genders
genderScaleNumberThe gender scale spans from -1 (indicating male) to +1 (signifying female).
scoreNumberA greater value suggests a more dependable outcome; the score isn't normalized..
probabilityCalibratedNumberA higher value indicates a more trustworthy outcome, with a scale from 0 to 1.
Code sample:

Genderize Full Name code sample for javascript:

const response = await fetch("", {
"method": "GET",
"headers": {
  "X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
  "Accept": "application/json"

if (response.ok) {
const data = await response.json(); // Extract JSON data from response
console.log(data); // View data in the console
} else {
console.error("The request failed with status:", response.status, response);

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "script": "LATIN",
    "id": "0b81a1d0-b625-4a89-b4f8-8fee1d1326ce",
    "name": "John Smith",
    "likelyGender": "male",
    "genderScale": -0.929374967691815,
    "score": 11.53988881064575,
    "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9646874838459075

Genderize Full Name code sample for python:

import requests

url = ""

headers = {
"X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
"Accept": "application/json"

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers)


The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "script": "LATIN",
    "id": "0b81a1d0-b625-4a89-b4f8-8fee1d1326ce",
    "name": "John Smith",
    "likelyGender": "male",
    "genderScale": -0.929374967691815,
    "score": 11.53988881064575,
    "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9646874838459075

Genderize Full Name code sample for shell:

curl --request GET \ 
--url \
--header 'X-API-KEY: your-api-key' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "script": "LATIN",
    "id": "0b81a1d0-b625-4a89-b4f8-8fee1d1326ce",
    "name": "John Smith",
    "likelyGender": "male",
    "genderScale": -0.929374967691815,
    "score": 11.53988881064575,
    "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9646874838459075

Genderize Full Name code sample for java:

HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get("")
.header("X-API-KEY", "your-api-key")
.header("Accept", "application/json")

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "script": "LATIN",
    "id": "0b81a1d0-b625-4a89-b4f8-8fee1d1326ce",
    "name": "John Smith",
    "likelyGender": "male",
    "genderScale": -0.929374967691815,
    "score": 11.53988881064575,
    "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9646874838459075

Chinese names

Assesses a Chinese given name and, when supplied, a surname, or an intact Chinese full name, using both Mandarin Chinese and its Latin transcription (Pinyin). This evaluation seeks to more precisely identify the associated gender.

Genderize Chinese Name

The Genderize Chinese Name tool precisely determines the gender of a Chinese first name, with an optional surname, written in either Pinyin or Standard Mandarin Chinese. Its accuracy is marginally better than the Genderize Chinese Full Name function. It offers the most likely gender along with an adjusted probability. Names that have a gender probability ranging between 40% and 50% are deemed gender-neutral.


  • Detail: Delivers the probable gender for up to 100 first names, with optional surnames, presented in Pinyin or Standard Mandarin Chinese.
  • Accuracy:Accuracy gauge
  • Cost: 1 credit per name.
  • Test: Genderize Chinese Name feature.

HTTP request:

http request
Request header:
X-API-KEYRequiredYour API key for Namsor's services.
Request body:
personalNamesArray of objectsRequiredA compilation of Chinese names.
[{...}].idStringOptionalUnique identifier.
[{...}].firstNameStringRequiredChinese given name (first name) in Pinyin or standard Mandarin Chinese.
[{...}].lastNameStringOptionalChinese surname (last name) in Pinyin or standard Mandarin Chinese.
personalNamesArray of objectsRoster of provided Chinese names with their assigned genders.
[{...}].scriptStringThe name's script presented, in ISO 15924 notation.Script
[{...}].idStringGiven unique identifier.
[{...}].firstNameStringProvided given name.
[{...}].lastNameStringProvided surname.
[{...}].likelyGenderStringMost likely gender.Genders
[{...}].genderScaleNumberThe gender scale spans from -1 (indicating male) to +1 (signifying female).
[{...}].scoreNumberA greater value suggests a more dependable outcome; the score isn't normalized..
[{...}].probabilityCalibratedNumberA higher value indicates a more trustworthy outcome, with a scale from 0 to 1.
Code sample:

Genderize Chinese Name code sample for javascript:

const response = await fetch("", {
"method": "POST",
"headers": {
  "X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
  "Accept": "application/json",
  "Content-Type": "application/json"
"body": JSON.stringify({
  "personalNames": [
      "id": "ba5ec5bb-3bf2-4662-b9ec-434f76559fbf",
      "firstName": "Xiaoming",
      "lastName": "Wang"

if (response.ok) {
const data = await response.json(); // Extract JSON data from response
console.log(data); // View data in the console
} else {
console.error("The request failed with status:", response.status, response);

Body parameter:

  "personalNames": [
      "id": "ba5ec5bb-3bf2-4662-b9ec-434f76559fbf",
      "firstName": "Xiaoming",
      "lastName": "Wang"

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "personalNames": [
            "script": "LATIN",
            "id": "ba5ec5bb-3bf2-4662-b9ec-434f76559fbf",
            "firstName": "Xiaoming ",
            "lastName": "Wang",
            "likelyGender": "female",
            "genderScale": 0.2579147656089782,
            "score": 1.5028819454087738,
            "probabilityCalibrated": 0.6289573828044891

Genderize Chinese Name code sample for python:

import requests

url = ""

payload = {
  "personalNames": [
      "id": "ba5ec5bb-3bf2-4662-b9ec-434f76559fbf",
      "firstName": "Xiaoming",
      "lastName": "Wang"
headers = {
"X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json"

response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)


Body parameter:

  "personalNames": [
      "id": "ba5ec5bb-3bf2-4662-b9ec-434f76559fbf",
      "firstName": "Xiaoming",
      "lastName": "Wang"

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "personalNames": [
            "script": "LATIN",
            "id": "ba5ec5bb-3bf2-4662-b9ec-434f76559fbf",
            "firstName": "Xiaoming ",
            "lastName": "Wang",
            "likelyGender": "female",
            "genderScale": 0.2579147656089782,
            "score": 1.5028819454087738,
            "probabilityCalibrated": 0.6289573828044891

Genderize Chinese Name code sample for shell:

curl --request POST \ 
--url \
--header 'X-API-KEY: your-api-key' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"personalNames":[{"id":"ba5ec5bb-3bf2-4662-b9ec-434f76559fbf","firstName":"Xiaoming","lastName":"Wang"}]}'

Body parameter:

  "personalNames": [
      "id": "ba5ec5bb-3bf2-4662-b9ec-434f76559fbf",
      "firstName": "Xiaoming",
      "lastName": "Wang"

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "personalNames": [
            "script": "LATIN",
            "id": "ba5ec5bb-3bf2-4662-b9ec-434f76559fbf",
            "firstName": "Xiaoming ",
            "lastName": "Wang",
            "likelyGender": "female",
            "genderScale": 0.2579147656089782,
            "score": 1.5028819454087738,
            "probabilityCalibrated": 0.6289573828044891

Genderize Chinese Name code sample for java:

HttpResponse<String> response ="")
.header("X-API-KEY", "your-api-key")
.header("Accept", "application/json")
.header("Content-Type", "application/json")

Body parameter:

  "personalNames": [
      "id": "ba5ec5bb-3bf2-4662-b9ec-434f76559fbf",
      "firstName": "Xiaoming",
      "lastName": "Wang"

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "personalNames": [
            "script": "LATIN",
            "id": "ba5ec5bb-3bf2-4662-b9ec-434f76559fbf",
            "firstName": "Xiaoming ",
            "lastName": "Wang",
            "likelyGender": "female",
            "genderScale": 0.2579147656089782,
            "score": 1.5028819454087738,
            "probabilityCalibrated": 0.6289573828044891

For GET method requests, every parameter is mandatory. For a smoother experience with our requests, we suggest opting for the POST method.

  • Detail: Provides the probable gender of a Chinese first name and surname, whether in Pinyin or Standard Mandarin Chinese.
  • Accuracy:Accuracy gauge
  • Cost: 1 credit per name.
  • Test: Genderize Chinese Name feature.

HTTP request:

http request
Request header:
X-API-KEYRequiredYour API key for Namsor's services.
Request parameters
lastNameStringRequiredChinese surname (last name) in Pinyin or Mandarin Chinese.
firstNameStringRequiredChinese given name (first name) in Pinyin or Mandarin Chinese.
scriptStringThe name's script presented, in ISO 15924 notation.Script
idStringUnique identifier.
firstNameStringProvided given name.
lastNameStringProvided surname.
likelyGenderStringMost likely gender.Genders
genderScaleNumberThe gender scale spans from -1 (indicating male) to +1 (signifying female).
scoreNumberA greater value suggests a more dependable outcome; the score isn't normalized..
probabilityCalibratedNumberA higher value indicates a more trustworthy outcome, with a scale from 0 to 1.
Code sample:

Genderize Chinese Name code sample for javascript:

const response = await fetch("", {
"method": "GET",
"headers": {
  "X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
  "Accept": "application/json"

if (response.ok) {
const data = await response.json(); // Extract JSON data from response
console.log(data); // View data in the console
} else {
console.error("The request failed with status:", response.status, response);

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "script": "LATIN",
    "id": "ba5ec5bb-3bf2-4662-b9ec-434f76559fbf",
    "firstName": "Xiaoming ",
    "lastName": "Wang",
    "likelyGender": "female",
    "genderScale": 0.2579147656089782,
    "score": 1.5028819454087738,
    "probabilityCalibrated": 0.6289573828044891

Genderize Chinese Name code sample for python:

import requests

url = ""

headers = {
"X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
"Accept": "application/json"

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers)


The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "script": "LATIN",
    "id": "ba5ec5bb-3bf2-4662-b9ec-434f76559fbf",
    "firstName": "Xiaoming ",
    "lastName": "Wang",
    "likelyGender": "female",
    "genderScale": 0.2579147656089782,
    "score": 1.5028819454087738,
    "probabilityCalibrated": 0.6289573828044891

Genderize Chinese Name code sample for shell:

curl --request GET \ 
--url \
--header 'X-API-KEY: your-api-key' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "script": "LATIN",
    "id": "ba5ec5bb-3bf2-4662-b9ec-434f76559fbf",
    "firstName": "Xiaoming ",
    "lastName": "Wang",
    "likelyGender": "female",
    "genderScale": 0.2579147656089782,
    "score": 1.5028819454087738,
    "probabilityCalibrated": 0.6289573828044891

Genderize Chinese Name code sample for java:

HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get("")
.header("X-API-KEY", "your-api-key")
.header("Accept", "application/json")

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "script": "LATIN",
    "id": "ba5ec5bb-3bf2-4662-b9ec-434f76559fbf",
    "firstName": "Xiaoming ",
    "lastName": "Wang",
    "likelyGender": "female",
    "genderScale": 0.2579147656089782,
    "score": 1.5028819454087738,
    "probabilityCalibrated": 0.6289573828044891

Genderize Chinese Full Name

The Genderize Chinese Full Name function precisely determines the gender of a whole Chinese name written in standard Mandarin. It delivers the most probable gender along with an adjusted likelihood. Names with a gender probability ranging from 40% to 50% can be considered as unisex.


The Genderize Chinese Full Name feature is exclusively compatible with Chinese full names penned in Standard Mandarin Chinese.


  • Detail: Provides the probable gender for a maximum of 100 unseparated Chinese full names (including family and given names) in Standard Mandarin Chinese.
  • Accuracy:Accuracy gauge
  • Cost: 1 credit per name.
  • Test: Genderize Chinese Full Name feature.

HTTP request:

http request
Request header:
X-API-KEYRequiredYour API key for Namsor's services.
Request body:
personalNamesArray of objectsRequiredA compilation of Chinese full names.
[{...}].idStringOptionalUnique identifier.
[{...}].nameStringRequiredUnsplit Chinese full name (given name and surname) in Standard Mandarin Chinese.
personalNamesArray of objectsRoster of provided Chinese full names with their assigned genders.
[{...}].scriptStringThe name's script presented, in ISO 15924 notation.Script
[{...}].idStringGiven unique identifier.
[{...}].nameStringProvided full name.
[{...}].likelyGenderStringMost likely gender.Genders
[{...}].genderScaleNumberThe gender scale spans from -1 (indicating male) to +1 (signifying female).
[{...}].scoreNumberA greater value suggests a more dependable outcome; the score isn't normalized..
[{...}].probabilityCalibratedNumberA higher value indicates a more trustworthy outcome, with a scale from 0 to 1.
Code sample:

Genderize Chinese Full Name code sample for javascript:

const response = await fetch("", {
"method": "POST",
"headers": {
  "X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
  "Accept": "application/json",
  "Content-Type": "application/json"
"body": JSON.stringify({
  "personalNames": [
      "id": "64275bed-b88c-4bd9-b915-0a189d89400d",
      "name": "王晓明"

if (response.ok) {
const data = await response.json(); // Extract JSON data from response
console.log(data); // View data in the console
} else {
console.error("The request failed with status:", response.status, response);

Body parameter:

  "personalNames": [
      "id": "64275bed-b88c-4bd9-b915-0a189d89400d",
      "name": "王晓明"

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "personalNames": [
            "script": "HAN",
            "id": "64275bed-b88c-4bd9-b915-0a189d89400d",
            "name": "王晓明",
            "likelyGender": "male",
            "genderScale": -0.05024680441744089,
            "score": 0.06555061355894772,
            "probabilityCalibrated": 0.5251234022087204

Genderize Chinese Full Name code sample for python:

import requests

url = ""

payload = {
  "personalNames": [
      "id": "64275bed-b88c-4bd9-b915-0a189d89400d",
      "name": "王晓明"
headers = {
"X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json"

response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)


Body parameter:

  "personalNames": [
      "id": "64275bed-b88c-4bd9-b915-0a189d89400d",
      "name": "王晓明"

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "personalNames": [
            "script": "HAN",
            "id": "64275bed-b88c-4bd9-b915-0a189d89400d",
            "name": "王晓明",
            "likelyGender": "male",
            "genderScale": -0.05024680441744089,
            "score": 0.06555061355894772,
            "probabilityCalibrated": 0.5251234022087204

Genderize Chinese Full Name code sample for shell:

curl --request POST \ 
--url \
--header 'X-API-KEY: your-api-key' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"personalNames":[{"id":"64275bed-b88c-4bd9-b915-0a189d89400d","name":"王晓明"}]}'

Body parameter:

  "personalNames": [
      "id": "64275bed-b88c-4bd9-b915-0a189d89400d",
      "name": "王晓明"

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "personalNames": [
            "script": "HAN",
            "id": "64275bed-b88c-4bd9-b915-0a189d89400d",
            "name": "王晓明",
            "likelyGender": "male",
            "genderScale": -0.05024680441744089,
            "score": 0.06555061355894772,
            "probabilityCalibrated": 0.5251234022087204

Genderize Chinese Full Name code sample for java:

HttpResponse<String> response ="")
.header("X-API-KEY", "your-api-key")
.header("Accept", "application/json")
.header("Content-Type", "application/json")

Body parameter:

  "personalNames": [
      "id": "64275bed-b88c-4bd9-b915-0a189d89400d",
      "name": "王晓明"

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "personalNames": [
            "script": "HAN",
            "id": "64275bed-b88c-4bd9-b915-0a189d89400d",
            "name": "王晓明",
            "likelyGender": "male",
            "genderScale": -0.05024680441744089,
            "score": 0.06555061355894772,
            "probabilityCalibrated": 0.5251234022087204

For GET method requests, every parameter is mandatory. For a smoother experience with our requests, we suggest opting for the POST method.

  • Detail: Provides the probable gender associated with a whole Chinese name in Standard Mandarin Chinese.
  • Accuracy:Accuracy gauge
  • Cost: 1 credit per name.
  • Test: Genderize Chinese Full Name feature.

HTTP request:

http request
Request header:
X-API-KEYRequiredYour API key for Namsor's services.
Request parameters
nameStringRequiredUnsplit Chinese full name (given name and surname) in standard Mandarin Chinese.
scriptStringThe name's script presented, in ISO 15924 notation.Script
idStringUnique identifier.
nameStringProvided full name.
likelyGenderStringMost likely gender.Genders
genderScaleNumberThe gender scale spans from -1 (indicating male) to +1 (signifying female).
scoreNumberA greater value suggests a more dependable outcome; the score isn't normalized..
probabilityCalibratedNumberA higher value indicates a more trustworthy outcome, with a scale from 0 to 1.
Code sample:

Genderize Chinese Full Name code sample for javascript:

const response = await fetch("王晓明", {
"method": "GET",
"headers": {
  "X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
  "Accept": "application/json"

if (response.ok) {
const data = await response.json(); // Extract JSON data from response
console.log(data); // View data in the console
} else {
console.error("The request failed with status:", response.status, response);

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "script": "HAN",
    "id": "64275bed-b88c-4bd9-b915-0a189d89400d",
    "name": "王晓明",
    "likelyGender": "male",
    "genderScale": -0.05024680441744089,
    "score": 0.06555061355894772,
    "probabilityCalibrated": 0.5251234022087204

Genderize Chinese Full Name code sample for python:

import requests

url = "王晓明"

headers = {
"X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
"Accept": "application/json"

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers)


The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "script": "HAN",
    "id": "64275bed-b88c-4bd9-b915-0a189d89400d",
    "name": "王晓明",
    "likelyGender": "male",
    "genderScale": -0.05024680441744089,
    "score": 0.06555061355894772,
    "probabilityCalibrated": 0.5251234022087204

Genderize Chinese Full Name code sample for shell:

curl --request GET \ 
--url王晓明 \
--header 'X-API-KEY: your-api-key' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "script": "HAN",
    "id": "64275bed-b88c-4bd9-b915-0a189d89400d",
    "name": "王晓明",
    "likelyGender": "male",
    "genderScale": -0.05024680441744089,
    "score": 0.06555061355894772,
    "probabilityCalibrated": 0.5251234022087204

Genderize Chinese Full Name code sample for java:

HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get("王晓明")
.header("X-API-KEY", "your-api-key")
.header("Accept", "application/json")

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "script": "HAN",
    "id": "64275bed-b88c-4bd9-b915-0a189d89400d",
    "name": "王晓明",
    "likelyGender": "male",
    "genderScale": -0.05024680441744089,
    "score": 0.06555061355894772,
    "probabilityCalibrated": 0.5251234022087204

Japanese names

Assesses a Japanese given name, and when provided, a surname, or a complete unified Japanese name, using Kanji or Latin characters. The goal is to determine the gender that's most probable with heightened accuracy.

Genderize Japanese Name

The Genderize Japanese Name tool adeptly determines the gender of a Japanese first name and, if provided, a surname, written in either Kanji or Latin script. Its precision is marginally superior to that of the Genderize Japanese Full Name function. Names with a probability close to 50% can be considered as gender-neutral.


  • Detail: Delivers the probable gender for up to 100 Japanese first names, with optional surnames, whether penned in the Latin script or Kanji characters.
  • Accuracy:Accuracy gauge
  • Cost: 1 credit per name.
  • Test: Genderize Japanese Name feature.

HTTP request:

http request
Request header:
X-API-KEYRequiredYour API key for Namsor's services.
Request body:
personalNamesArray of objectsRequiredA compilation of Japanese names.
[{...}].idStringOptionalUnique identifier.
[{...}].firstNameStringRequiredJapanese given name represented in either Latin or Kanji script.
[{...}].lastNameStringOptionalJapanese surname represented in either Latin or Kanji script.
personalNamesArray of objectsRoster of provided Japanese names with their assigned genders.
[{...}].scriptStringThe name's script presented, in ISO 15924 notation.Script
[{...}].idStringGiven unique identifier.
[{...}].firstNameStringProvided given name.
[{...}].lastNameStringProvided surname.
[{...}].likelyGenderStringMost likely gender.Genders
[{...}].genderScaleNumberThe gender scale spans from -1 (indicating male) to +1 (signifying female).
[{...}].scoreNumberA greater value suggests a more dependable outcome; the score isn't normalized..
[{...}].probabilityCalibratedNumberA higher value indicates a more trustworthy outcome, with a scale from 0 to 1.
Code sample:

Genderize Japanese Name code sample for javascript:

const response = await fetch("", {
"method": "POST",
"headers": {
  "X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
  "Accept": "application/json",
  "Content-Type": "application/json"
"body": JSON.stringify({
  "personalNames": [
      "id": "230fa70e-8c2e-4e70-beeb-93ac08ac4038",
      "firstName": "Sanae",
      "lastName": "Yamamoto"

if (response.ok) {
const data = await response.json(); // Extract JSON data from response
console.log(data); // View data in the console
} else {
console.error("The request failed with status:", response.status, response);

Body parameter:

  "personalNames": [
      "id": "230fa70e-8c2e-4e70-beeb-93ac08ac4038",
      "firstName": "Sanae",
      "lastName": "Yamamoto"

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "personalNames": [
            "script": "LATIN",
            "id": "230fa70e-8c2e-4e70-beeb-93ac08ac4038",
            "firstName": "Sanae",
            "lastName": "Yamamoto",
            "likelyGender": "female",
            "genderScale": 0.9999279399338183,
            "score": 17.14089975408791,
            "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9999639699669092

Genderize Japanese Name code sample for python:

import requests

url = ""

payload = {
  "personalNames": [
      "id": "230fa70e-8c2e-4e70-beeb-93ac08ac4038",
      "firstName": "Sanae",
      "lastName": "Yamamoto"
headers = {
"X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json"

response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)


Body parameter:

  "personalNames": [
      "id": "230fa70e-8c2e-4e70-beeb-93ac08ac4038",
      "firstName": "Sanae",
      "lastName": "Yamamoto"

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "personalNames": [
            "script": "LATIN",
            "id": "230fa70e-8c2e-4e70-beeb-93ac08ac4038",
            "firstName": "Sanae",
            "lastName": "Yamamoto",
            "likelyGender": "female",
            "genderScale": 0.9999279399338183,
            "score": 17.14089975408791,
            "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9999639699669092

Genderize Japanese Name code sample for shell:

curl --request POST \ 
--url \
--header 'X-API-KEY: your-api-key' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"personalNames":[{"id":"230fa70e-8c2e-4e70-beeb-93ac08ac4038","firstName":"Sanae","lastName":"Yamamoto"}]}'

Body parameter:

  "personalNames": [
      "id": "230fa70e-8c2e-4e70-beeb-93ac08ac4038",
      "firstName": "Sanae",
      "lastName": "Yamamoto"

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "personalNames": [
            "script": "LATIN",
            "id": "230fa70e-8c2e-4e70-beeb-93ac08ac4038",
            "firstName": "Sanae",
            "lastName": "Yamamoto",
            "likelyGender": "female",
            "genderScale": 0.9999279399338183,
            "score": 17.14089975408791,
            "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9999639699669092

Genderize Japanese Name code sample for java:

HttpResponse<String> response ="")
.header("X-API-KEY", "your-api-key")
.header("Accept", "application/json")
.header("Content-Type", "application/json")

Body parameter:

  "personalNames": [
      "id": "230fa70e-8c2e-4e70-beeb-93ac08ac4038",
      "firstName": "Sanae",
      "lastName": "Yamamoto"

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "personalNames": [
            "script": "LATIN",
            "id": "230fa70e-8c2e-4e70-beeb-93ac08ac4038",
            "firstName": "Sanae",
            "lastName": "Yamamoto",
            "likelyGender": "female",
            "genderScale": 0.9999279399338183,
            "score": 17.14089975408791,
            "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9999639699669092

For GET method requests, every parameter is mandatory. For a smoother experience with our requests, we suggest opting for the POST method.

  • Detail: Provides the probable gender of a Japanese given name and surname, whether expressed in Latin script or Kanji characters.
  • Accuracy:Accuracy gauge
  • Cost: 1 credit per name.
  • Test: Genderize Japanese Name feature.

HTTP request:

http request
Request header:
X-API-KEYRequiredYour API key for Namsor's services.
Request parameters
lastNameStringRequiredJapanese surname represented in either Latin or Kanji script.
firstNameStringRequiredJapanese given name represented in either Latin or Kanji script.
scriptStringThe name's script presented, in ISO 15924 notation.Script
idStringUnique identifier.
firstNameStringProvided given name.
lastNameStringProvided surname.
likelyGenderStringMost likely gender.Genders
genderScaleNumberThe gender scale spans from -1 (indicating male) to +1 (signifying female).
scoreNumberA greater value suggests a more dependable outcome; the score isn't normalized..
probabilityCalibratedNumberA higher value indicates a more trustworthy outcome, with a scale from 0 to 1.
Code sample:

Genderize Japanese Name code sample for javascript:

const response = await fetch("", {
"method": "GET",
"headers": {
  "X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
  "Accept": "application/json"

if (response.ok) {
const data = await response.json(); // Extract JSON data from response
console.log(data); // View data in the console
} else {
console.error("The request failed with status:", response.status, response);

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "script": "LATIN",
    "id": "230fa70e-8c2e-4e70-beeb-93ac08ac4038",
    "firstName": "Sanae",
    "lastName": "Yamamoto",
    "likelyGender": "female",
    "genderScale": 0.9999279399338183,
    "score": 17.14089975408791,
    "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9999639699669092

Genderize Japanese Name code sample for python:

import requests

url = ""

headers = {
"X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
"Accept": "application/json"

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers)


The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "script": "LATIN",
    "id": "230fa70e-8c2e-4e70-beeb-93ac08ac4038",
    "firstName": "Sanae",
    "lastName": "Yamamoto",
    "likelyGender": "female",
    "genderScale": 0.9999279399338183,
    "score": 17.14089975408791,
    "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9999639699669092

Genderize Japanese Name code sample for shell:

curl --request GET \ 
--url \
--header 'X-API-KEY: your-api-key' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "script": "LATIN",
    "id": "230fa70e-8c2e-4e70-beeb-93ac08ac4038",
    "firstName": "Sanae",
    "lastName": "Yamamoto",
    "likelyGender": "female",
    "genderScale": 0.9999279399338183,
    "score": 17.14089975408791,
    "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9999639699669092

Genderize Japanese Name code sample for java:

HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get("")
.header("X-API-KEY", "your-api-key")
.header("Accept", "application/json")

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "script": "LATIN",
    "id": "230fa70e-8c2e-4e70-beeb-93ac08ac4038",
    "firstName": "Sanae",
    "lastName": "Yamamoto",
    "likelyGender": "female",
    "genderScale": 0.9999279399338183,
    "score": 17.14089975408791,
    "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9999639699669092

Genderize Japanese Full Name

The Genderize Japanese Full Name tool precisely determines the gender of a whole Japanese name, comprising both surname and first name, penned in Kanji or the Latin script. Names with a gender probability spanning between 40% and 50% are viewed as unisex.


When the given and surname are distinctly recognizable, the Genderize Japanese Name function tends to have enhanced precision.


  • Detail: Provides the probable gender for up to 100 Japanese full names, including surnames and given names, whether penned in Kanji or the Latin script.
  • Accuracy:Accuracy gauge
  • Cost: 1 credit per name.
  • Test: Genderize Japanese Full Name feature.

HTTP request:

http request
Request header:
X-API-KEYRequiredYour API key for Namsor's services.
Request body:
personalNamesArray of objectsRequiredA compilation of Japanese full names.
[{...}].idStringOptionalUnique identifier.
[{...}].nameStringRequiredUnsplit Japanese full name (given name and surname) in Kanji or Latin alphabet.
personalNamesArray of objectsRoster of provided Japanese full names with their assigned genders.
[{...}].scriptStringThe name's script presented, in ISO 15924 notation.Script
[{...}].idStringGiven unique identifier.
[{...}].nameStringProvided full name.
[{...}].likelyGenderStringMost likely gender.Genders
[{...}].genderScaleNumberThe gender scale spans from -1 (indicating male) to +1 (signifying female).
[{...}].scoreNumberA greater value suggests a more dependable outcome; the score isn't normalized..
[{...}].probabilityCalibratedNumberA higher value indicates a more trustworthy outcome, with a scale from 0 to 1.
Code sample:

Genderize Japanese Full Name code sample for javascript:

const response = await fetch("", {
"method": "POST",
"headers": {
  "X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
  "Accept": "application/json",
  "Content-Type": "application/json"
"body": JSON.stringify({
  "personalNames": [
      "id": "04ac145e-6636-4f61-869e-1345a2a31dea",
      "name": "早苗 山本"

if (response.ok) {
const data = await response.json(); // Extract JSON data from response
console.log(data); // View data in the console
} else {
console.error("The request failed with status:", response.status, response);

Body parameter:

  "personalNames": [
      "id": "04ac145e-6636-4f61-869e-1345a2a31dea",
      "name": "早苗 山本"

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "personalNames": [
            "script": "HAN",
            "id": "8c34c749-279c-4de8-b588-9cda951c9fdd",
            "name": "早苗 山本",
            "likelyGender": "female",
            "genderScale": 0.9824793433203705,
            "score": 26.120365131524423,
            "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9912396716601852

Genderize Japanese Full Name code sample for python:

import requests

url = ""

payload = {
  "personalNames": [
      "id": "04ac145e-6636-4f61-869e-1345a2a31dea",
      "name": "早苗 山本"
headers = {
"X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json"

response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)


Body parameter:

  "personalNames": [
      "id": "04ac145e-6636-4f61-869e-1345a2a31dea",
      "name": "早苗 山本"

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "personalNames": [
            "script": "HAN",
            "id": "8c34c749-279c-4de8-b588-9cda951c9fdd",
            "name": "早苗 山本",
            "likelyGender": "female",
            "genderScale": 0.9824793433203705,
            "score": 26.120365131524423,
            "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9912396716601852

Genderize Japanese Full Name code sample for shell:

curl --request POST \ 
--url \
--header 'X-API-KEY: your-api-key' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"personalNames":[{"id":"04ac145e-6636-4f61-869e-1345a2a31dea","name":"早苗 山本"}]}'

Body parameter:

  "personalNames": [
      "id": "04ac145e-6636-4f61-869e-1345a2a31dea",
      "name": "早苗 山本"

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "personalNames": [
            "script": "HAN",
            "id": "8c34c749-279c-4de8-b588-9cda951c9fdd",
            "name": "早苗 山本",
            "likelyGender": "female",
            "genderScale": 0.9824793433203705,
            "score": 26.120365131524423,
            "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9912396716601852

Genderize Japanese Full Name code sample for java:

HttpResponse<String> response ="")
.header("X-API-KEY", "your-api-key")
.header("Accept", "application/json")
.header("Content-Type", "application/json")
.body("{\"personalNames\":[{\"id\":\"04ac145e-6636-4f61-869e-1345a2a31dea\",\"name\":\"早苗 山本\"}]}")

Body parameter:

  "personalNames": [
      "id": "04ac145e-6636-4f61-869e-1345a2a31dea",
      "name": "早苗 山本"

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "personalNames": [
            "script": "HAN",
            "id": "8c34c749-279c-4de8-b588-9cda951c9fdd",
            "name": "早苗 山本",
            "likelyGender": "female",
            "genderScale": 0.9824793433203705,
            "score": 26.120365131524423,
            "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9912396716601852

For GET method requests, every parameter is mandatory. For a smoother experience with our requests, we suggest opting for the POST method.

  • Detail: Identify the gender for a complete Japanese name, encompassing both surname and first name, whether in Kanji or Latin script.
  • Accuracy:Accuracy gauge
  • Cost: 1 credit per name.
  • Test: Genderize Japanese Full Name feature.

HTTP request:

http request
Request header:
X-API-KEYRequiredYour API key for Namsor's services.
Request parameters
nameStringRequiredUnsplit Japanese full name (given name and surname) in Kanji or Latin alphabet.
scriptStringThe name's script presented, in ISO 15924 notation.Script
idStringUnique identifier.
nameStringProvided full name.
likelyGenderStringMost likely gender.Genders
genderScaleNumberThe gender scale spans from -1 (indicating male) to +1 (signifying female).
scoreNumberA greater value suggests a more dependable outcome; the score isn't normalized..
probabilityCalibratedNumberA higher value indicates a more trustworthy outcome, with a scale from 0 to 1.
Code sample:

Genderize Japanese Full Name code sample for javascript:

const response = await fetch("早苗%20山本", {
"method": "GET",
"headers": {
  "X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
  "Accept": "application/json"

if (response.ok) {
const data = await response.json(); // Extract JSON data from response
console.log(data); // View data in the console
} else {
console.error("The request failed with status:", response.status, response);

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "script": "HAN",
    "id": "8c34c749-279c-4de8-b588-9cda951c9fdd",
    "name": "早苗 山本",
    "likelyGender": "female",
    "genderScale": 0.9824793433203705,
    "score": 26.120365131524423,
    "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9912396716601852

Genderize Japanese Full Name code sample for python:

import requests

url = "早苗%20山本"

headers = {
"X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
"Accept": "application/json"

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers)


The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "script": "HAN",
    "id": "8c34c749-279c-4de8-b588-9cda951c9fdd",
    "name": "早苗 山本",
    "likelyGender": "female",
    "genderScale": 0.9824793433203705,
    "score": 26.120365131524423,
    "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9912396716601852

Genderize Japanese Full Name code sample for shell:

curl --request GET \ 
--url早苗%20山本 \
--header 'X-API-KEY: your-api-key' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "script": "HAN",
    "id": "8c34c749-279c-4de8-b588-9cda951c9fdd",
    "name": "早苗 山本",
    "likelyGender": "female",
    "genderScale": 0.9824793433203705,
    "score": 26.120365131524423,
    "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9912396716601852

Genderize Japanese Full Name code sample for java:

HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get("早苗%20山本")
.header("X-API-KEY", "your-api-key")
.header("Accept", "application/json")

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "script": "HAN",
    "id": "8c34c749-279c-4de8-b588-9cda951c9fdd",
    "name": "早苗 山本",
    "likelyGender": "female",
    "genderScale": 0.9824793433203705,
    "score": 26.120365131524423,
    "probabilityCalibrated": 0.9912396716601852


The Admin endpoints provide a variety of administrative tools. You can view your API usage records, verify the status and accessibility of Namsor's endpoints, or investigate the enumerators available for a specific classifier. Additionally, you have the option to adjust your privacy settings or deactivate your key.

Software Version

  • Detail: Provides the latest version of the Namsor software.
  • Cost: 1 credit per name.

HTTP request:

http request
Request header:
X-API-KEYRequiredYour API key for Namsor's services.
softwareNameAndVersionStringAPI name along with its version.
softwareVersionArraySoftware version in array format [major, minor, patch].
Code sample:

Software Version code sample for javascript:

const response = await fetch("", {
"method": "GET",
"headers": {
  "X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
  "Accept": "application/json"

if (response.ok) {
const data = await response.json(); // Extract JSON data from response
console.log(data); // View data in the console
} else {
console.error("The request failed with status:", response.status, response);

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "softwareNameAndVersion": "NamSorAPIv2.0.14B01",
    "softwareVersion": [

Software Version code sample for python:

import requests

url = ""

headers = {
"X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
"Accept": "application/json"

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers)


The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "softwareNameAndVersion": "NamSorAPIv2.0.14B01",
    "softwareVersion": [

Software Version code sample for shell:

curl --request GET \ 
--url \
--header 'X-API-KEY: your-api-key' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "softwareNameAndVersion": "NamSorAPIv2.0.14B01",
    "softwareVersion": [

Software Version code sample for java:

HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get("")
.header("X-API-KEY", "your-api-key")
.header("Accept", "application/json")

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "softwareNameAndVersion": "NamSorAPIv2.0.14B01",
    "softwareVersion": [

Api Status

  • Detail: Provides the existing version of Namsor software and the condition of the classifiers (API services).
  • Cost: 1 credit per name.

HTTP request:

http request
Request header:
X-API-KEYRequiredYour API key for Namsor's services.
softwareVersionObjectDetails about the software's version.
{...}.softwareNameAndVersionStringAPI name along with its version.
{...}.softwareVersionArraySoftware version in array format [major, minor, patch].
classifiersArray of objectsCatalog of accessible classifiers.
[{...}].classifierNameStringService or classifier name.
[{...}].servingBooleanTrue: the classifier is active and processing requests (has achieved minimal learning and is not shutting down).
[{...}].learningBooleanTrue: classifier is learning.
[{...}].shuttingDownBooleanTrue: classifier is shutting down.
[{...}].probabilityCalibratedBooleanTrue: the classifier has completed its initial learning phase and provides calibrated probabilities. When it's in the initial learning stage, calibrated probabilities are set to -1.
Code sample:

Api Status code sample for javascript:

const response = await fetch("", {
"method": "GET",
"headers": {
  "X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
  "Accept": "application/json"

if (response.ok) {
const data = await response.json(); // Extract JSON data from response
console.log(data); // View data in the console
} else {
console.error("The request failed with status:", response.status, response);

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "softwareVersion": {
        "softwareNameAndVersion": "NamSorAPIv2.0.28B05",
        "softwareVersion": [
    "classifiers": [
            "classifierName": "personalname_gender",
            "serving": true,
            "learning": true,
            "shuttingDown": false,
            "probabilityCalibrated": true
            "classifierName": "personalfullname_gender",
            "serving": true,
            "learning": true,
            "shuttingDown": false,
            "probabilityCalibrated": true

Api Status code sample for python:

import requests

url = ""

headers = {
"X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
"Accept": "application/json"

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers)


The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "softwareVersion": {
        "softwareNameAndVersion": "NamSorAPIv2.0.28B05",
        "softwareVersion": [
    "classifiers": [
            "classifierName": "personalname_gender",
            "serving": true,
            "learning": true,
            "shuttingDown": false,
            "probabilityCalibrated": true
            "classifierName": "personalfullname_gender",
            "serving": true,
            "learning": true,
            "shuttingDown": false,
            "probabilityCalibrated": true

Api Status code sample for shell:

curl --request GET \ 
--url \
--header 'X-API-KEY: your-api-key' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "softwareVersion": {
        "softwareNameAndVersion": "NamSorAPIv2.0.28B05",
        "softwareVersion": [
    "classifiers": [
            "classifierName": "personalname_gender",
            "serving": true,
            "learning": true,
            "shuttingDown": false,
            "probabilityCalibrated": true
            "classifierName": "personalfullname_gender",
            "serving": true,
            "learning": true,
            "shuttingDown": false,
            "probabilityCalibrated": true

Api Status code sample for java:

HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get("")
.header("X-API-KEY", "your-api-key")
.header("Accept", "application/json")

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "softwareVersion": {
        "softwareNameAndVersion": "NamSorAPIv2.0.28B05",
        "softwareVersion": [
    "classifiers": [
            "classifierName": "personalname_gender",
            "serving": true,
            "learning": true,
            "shuttingDown": false,
            "probabilityCalibrated": true
            "classifierName": "personalfullname_gender",
            "serving": true,
            "learning": true,
            "shuttingDown": false,
            "probabilityCalibrated": true

Available Services

  • Detail: Provides a roster of API services (classifiers) along with their respective credit charges for usage.
  • Cost: 1 credit per name.

HTTP request:

http request
Request header:
X-API-KEYRequiredYour API key for Namsor's services.
apiServicesArray of objectsCatalog of accessible API functions.
[{...}].serviceNameStringService or classifier name.
[{...}].serviceGroupStringCategory to which the service or classifier belong to.
[{...}].costInUnitsNumberService usage fee measured in credits.
Code sample:

Available Services code sample for javascript:

const response = await fetch("", {
"method": "GET",
"headers": {
  "X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
  "Accept": "application/json"

if (response.ok) {
const data = await response.json(); // Extract JSON data from response
console.log(data); // View data in the console
} else {
console.error("The request failed with status:", response.status, response);

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "apiServices": [
            "serviceName": "personalname_gender",
            "serviceGroup": "gender",
            "costInUnits": 1
            "serviceName": "personalfullname_gender",
            "serviceGroup": "gender",
            "costInUnits": 1

Available Services code sample for python:

import requests

url = ""

headers = {
"X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
"Accept": "application/json"

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers)


The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "apiServices": [
            "serviceName": "personalname_gender",
            "serviceGroup": "gender",
            "costInUnits": 1
            "serviceName": "personalfullname_gender",
            "serviceGroup": "gender",
            "costInUnits": 1

Available Services code sample for shell:

curl --request GET \ 
--url \
--header 'X-API-KEY: your-api-key' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "apiServices": [
            "serviceName": "personalname_gender",
            "serviceGroup": "gender",
            "costInUnits": 1
            "serviceName": "personalfullname_gender",
            "serviceGroup": "gender",
            "costInUnits": 1

Available Services code sample for java:

HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get("")
.header("X-API-KEY", "your-api-key")
.header("Accept", "application/json")

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "apiServices": [
            "serviceName": "personalname_gender",
            "serviceGroup": "gender",
            "costInUnits": 1
            "serviceName": "personalfullname_gender",
            "serviceGroup": "gender",
            "costInUnits": 1

Taxonomy Classes

  • Detail: Delivers a roster of potential enumerators associated with a specific classifier.
  • Cost: 1 credit per name.

HTTP request:

http request
Request header:
X-API-KEYRequiredYour API key for Namsor's services.
Request parameters
classifierNameStringRequiredClassifier's name.
classifierNameStringProvided classifier's name.
taxonomyClassesArrayClassifier's numerators list.
Code sample:

Taxonomy Classes code sample for javascript:

const response = await fetch("", {
"method": "GET",
"headers": {
  "X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
  "Accept": "application/json"

if (response.ok) {
const data = await response.json(); // Extract JSON data from response
console.log(data); // View data in the console
} else {
console.error("The request failed with status:", response.status, response);

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "classifierName": "personalname_gender",
    "taxonomyClasses": ["female", "male"]

Taxonomy Classes code sample for python:

import requests

url = ""

headers = {
"X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
"Accept": "application/json"

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers)


The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "classifierName": "personalname_gender",
    "taxonomyClasses": ["female", "male"]

Taxonomy Classes code sample for shell:

curl --request GET \ 
--url \
--header 'X-API-KEY: your-api-key' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "classifierName": "personalname_gender",
    "taxonomyClasses": ["female", "male"]

Taxonomy Classes code sample for java:

HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get("")
.header("X-API-KEY", "your-api-key")
.header("Accept", "application/json")

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "classifierName": "personalname_gender",
    "taxonomyClasses": ["female", "male"]

Api Usage

  • Detail: Delivers details about your subscription package, billing cycle, and present API consumption.
  • Cost: 1 credit per name.

HTTP request:

http request
Request header:
X-API-KEYRequiredYour API key for Namsor's services.
subscriptionObjectDetails about the subscription.
{...}.apiKeyStringYour API key for Namsor.
{...}.planStartedNumberPlan's beginning date in UNIX timestamp.
{...}.priorPlanStartedNumberThe date when the prior plan was activated.
{...}.planEndedNumberTermination date of the plan in UNIX timestamp.
{...}.taxRateNumberTax rate applied to this subscription.
{...}.planNameStringSubscription plan's name.
{...}.planBaseFeesKeyStringPlan key as per Stripe.
{...}.planStatusStringStatus of the subscription.
{...}.planQuotaNumberOverall credit count linked with this subscription.
{...}.priceUSDNumberAmount in US dollars ($).
{...}.priceOverageUSDNumberAdditional charge in US dollars ($).
{...}.priceNumberAmount in the selected currency of the user.
{...}.priceOverageNumberAdditional charge in the user's selected currency.
{...}.currencyStringThe currency selected by the user.
{...}.currencyFactorNumberFor currencies like USD, GBP, and EUR, the value is 1.
{...}.stripeCustomerIdStringDistinctive identifier for Stripe Customer.
{...}.stripeStatusStringStatus on Stripe.
{...}.stripeSubscriptionStringStripe's unique subscription ID.
{...}.userIdStringUnique user identification code.
billingPeriodObjectInvoice details.
{...}.apiKeyStringYour API key for Namsor.
{...}.subscriptionStartedNumberStart date of the subscription, represented in UNIX timestamp.
{...}.periodStartedNumberBeginning date of the subscription term, in UNIX timestamp.
{...}.periodEndedNumberDate when the subscription ends, in UNIX timestamp.
{...}.stripeCurrentPeriodEndNumberEnd date of the existing plan on Stripe.
{...}.stripeCurrentPeriodStartNumberStart date of the existing plan on Stripe.
{...}.billingStatusStringBilling status for the ongoing period.
{...}.usageNumberTotal credits consumed to date.
{...}.softLimitNumberPresent soft limit for this billing term.
{...}.hardLimitNumberPresent hard limit for this billing term.
overageExclTaxNumberAdditional charges before tax.
overageInclTaxNumberAdditional charges after adding tax (when relevant).
overageCurrencyStringAdditional charges currency type.
overageQuantityNumberExcess amount over the monthly limit for the ongoing subscription, represented in credits.
Code sample:

Api Usage code sample for javascript:

const response = await fetch("", {
"method": "GET",
"headers": {
  "X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
  "Accept": "application/json"

if (response.ok) {
const data = await response.json(); // Extract JSON data from response
console.log(data); // View data in the console
} else {
console.error("The request failed with status:", response.status, response);

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "subscription": {
        "apiKey": "v7menlws2yo8r2mnm10f3uai53tmblth",
        "planStarted": 1602705605199,
        "priorPlanStarted": 0,
        "planEnded": 0,
        "taxRate": 0,
        "planName": "BASIC",
        "planBaseFeesKey": "namsorapi_v2_BASIC_usd",
        "planStatus": "OPEN",
        "planQuota": 5000,
        "priceUSD": 0,
        "priceOverageUSD": 0.005,
        "price": 0,
        "priceOverage": 0.005,
        "currency": "usd",
        "currencyFactor": 1,
        "stripeCustomerId": null,
        "stripeStatus": null,
        "stripeSubscription": null,
        "userId": "GYUAUzTKPusJ3aqUH5gQte0dOQCr"
    "billingPeriod": {
        "apiKey": "v7menlws2yo8r2mnm10f3uai53tmblth",
        "subscriptionStarted": 1602705635199,
        "periodStarted": 1618430435199,
        "periodEnded": 0,
        "stripeCurrentPeriodEnd": 0,
        "stripeCurrentPeriodStart": 0,
        "billingStatus": "OPEN",
        "usage": 34,
        "softLimit": 3000,
        "hardLimit": 5000
    "overageExclTax": 0,
    "overageInclTax": 0,
    "overageCurrency": null,
    "overageQuantity": 0

Api Usage code sample for python:

import requests

url = ""

headers = {
"X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
"Accept": "application/json"

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers)


The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "subscription": {
        "apiKey": "v7menlws2yo8r2mnm10f3uai53tmblth",
        "planStarted": 1602705605199,
        "priorPlanStarted": 0,
        "planEnded": 0,
        "taxRate": 0,
        "planName": "BASIC",
        "planBaseFeesKey": "namsorapi_v2_BASIC_usd",
        "planStatus": "OPEN",
        "planQuota": 5000,
        "priceUSD": 0,
        "priceOverageUSD": 0.005,
        "price": 0,
        "priceOverage": 0.005,
        "currency": "usd",
        "currencyFactor": 1,
        "stripeCustomerId": null,
        "stripeStatus": null,
        "stripeSubscription": null,
        "userId": "GYUAUzTKPusJ3aqUH5gQte0dOQCr"
    "billingPeriod": {
        "apiKey": "v7menlws2yo8r2mnm10f3uai53tmblth",
        "subscriptionStarted": 1602705635199,
        "periodStarted": 1618430435199,
        "periodEnded": 0,
        "stripeCurrentPeriodEnd": 0,
        "stripeCurrentPeriodStart": 0,
        "billingStatus": "OPEN",
        "usage": 34,
        "softLimit": 3000,
        "hardLimit": 5000
    "overageExclTax": 0,
    "overageInclTax": 0,
    "overageCurrency": null,
    "overageQuantity": 0

Api Usage code sample for shell:

curl --request GET \ 
--url \
--header 'X-API-KEY: your-api-key' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "subscription": {
        "apiKey": "v7menlws2yo8r2mnm10f3uai53tmblth",
        "planStarted": 1602705605199,
        "priorPlanStarted": 0,
        "planEnded": 0,
        "taxRate": 0,
        "planName": "BASIC",
        "planBaseFeesKey": "namsorapi_v2_BASIC_usd",
        "planStatus": "OPEN",
        "planQuota": 5000,
        "priceUSD": 0,
        "priceOverageUSD": 0.005,
        "price": 0,
        "priceOverage": 0.005,
        "currency": "usd",
        "currencyFactor": 1,
        "stripeCustomerId": null,
        "stripeStatus": null,
        "stripeSubscription": null,
        "userId": "GYUAUzTKPusJ3aqUH5gQte0dOQCr"
    "billingPeriod": {
        "apiKey": "v7menlws2yo8r2mnm10f3uai53tmblth",
        "subscriptionStarted": 1602705635199,
        "periodStarted": 1618430435199,
        "periodEnded": 0,
        "stripeCurrentPeriodEnd": 0,
        "stripeCurrentPeriodStart": 0,
        "billingStatus": "OPEN",
        "usage": 34,
        "softLimit": 3000,
        "hardLimit": 5000
    "overageExclTax": 0,
    "overageInclTax": 0,
    "overageCurrency": null,
    "overageQuantity": 0

Api Usage code sample for java:

HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get("")
.header("X-API-KEY", "your-api-key")
.header("Accept", "application/json")

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "subscription": {
        "apiKey": "v7menlws2yo8r2mnm10f3uai53tmblth",
        "planStarted": 1602705605199,
        "priorPlanStarted": 0,
        "planEnded": 0,
        "taxRate": 0,
        "planName": "BASIC",
        "planBaseFeesKey": "namsorapi_v2_BASIC_usd",
        "planStatus": "OPEN",
        "planQuota": 5000,
        "priceUSD": 0,
        "priceOverageUSD": 0.005,
        "price": 0,
        "priceOverage": 0.005,
        "currency": "usd",
        "currencyFactor": 1,
        "stripeCustomerId": null,
        "stripeStatus": null,
        "stripeSubscription": null,
        "userId": "GYUAUzTKPusJ3aqUH5gQte0dOQCr"
    "billingPeriod": {
        "apiKey": "v7menlws2yo8r2mnm10f3uai53tmblth",
        "subscriptionStarted": 1602705635199,
        "periodStarted": 1618430435199,
        "periodEnded": 0,
        "stripeCurrentPeriodEnd": 0,
        "stripeCurrentPeriodStart": 0,
        "billingStatus": "OPEN",
        "usage": 34,
        "softLimit": 3000,
        "hardLimit": 5000
    "overageExclTax": 0,
    "overageInclTax": 0,
    "overageCurrency": null,
    "overageQuantity": 0

Api Usage History

  • Detail: Provides an in-depth record of usage history, showcasing which services were accessed and the API key parameters that were utilized.
  • Cost: 1 credit per name.

HTTP request:

http request
Request header:
X-API-KEYRequiredYour API key for Namsor's services.
detailedUsageArray of objectsDisplay historical API usage records (Note: Updated output format starting from v2.0.15).
[{...}].apiKeyObjectDetails about the API key.
{...}.userIdStringUnique user identification code.
{...}.adminBooleanDoes the API key possess administrative permissions.
{...}.vettedBooleanHas the API key been verified for machine learning tasks.
{...}.learnableBooleanIs the API key permitted to input data into the machine learning system.
{...}.anonymizedBooleanIs the user's API key anonymized (logs using its SHA-256 hash).
{...}.partnerBooleanIs the API key designated with a partner status.
{...}.stripedBooleanIs the API key linked to an active Stripe account.
{...}.corporateBooleanDoes the API key hold a corporate status?.
{...}.disabledBooleanHas the API key been deactivated, either temporarily or indefinitely.
{...}.api_keyStringThe specific API key for the user.
[{...}].apiServiceStringService name being accessed.
[{...}].createdDateTimeNumberTimestamp of the analysis, represented in UNIX format.
[{...}].totalUsageNumberTotal credit expense for the conducted analysis.
[{...}].lastFlushedDateTimeNumberTimestamp marking the last reset of the counter, in UNIX format.
[{...}].lastUsedDateTimeNumberTimestamp of the most recent use of the API key, in UNIX format.
[{...}].serviceFeaturesUsageObjectInformation about the utilization of advanced functionalities.
Code sample:

Api Usage History code sample for javascript:

const response = await fetch("", {
"method": "GET",
"headers": {
  "X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
  "Accept": "application/json"

if (response.ok) {
const data = await response.json(); // Extract JSON data from response
console.log(data); // View data in the console
} else {
console.error("The request failed with status:", response.status, response);

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "detailedUsage": [
            "apiKey": {
                "userId": null,
                "admin": false,
                "vetted": false,
                "learnable": true,
                "anonymized": false,
                "partner": false,
                "striped": false,
                "corporate": false,
                "disabled": false,
                "api_key": "b214894824e1c4762fb650866fea8f3c"
            "apiService": "personalname_us_race_ethnicity",
            "createdDateTime": 1620385794616,
            "totalUsage": 1,
            "lastFlushedDateTime": 1620386273418,
            "lastUsedDateTime": 1620386699945,
            "serviceFeaturesUsage": {}

Api Usage History code sample for python:

import requests

url = ""

headers = {
"X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
"Accept": "application/json"

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers)


The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "detailedUsage": [
            "apiKey": {
                "userId": null,
                "admin": false,
                "vetted": false,
                "learnable": true,
                "anonymized": false,
                "partner": false,
                "striped": false,
                "corporate": false,
                "disabled": false,
                "api_key": "b214894824e1c4762fb650866fea8f3c"
            "apiService": "personalname_us_race_ethnicity",
            "createdDateTime": 1620385794616,
            "totalUsage": 1,
            "lastFlushedDateTime": 1620386273418,
            "lastUsedDateTime": 1620386699945,
            "serviceFeaturesUsage": {}

Api Usage History code sample for shell:

curl --request GET \ 
--url \
--header 'X-API-KEY: your-api-key' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "detailedUsage": [
            "apiKey": {
                "userId": null,
                "admin": false,
                "vetted": false,
                "learnable": true,
                "anonymized": false,
                "partner": false,
                "striped": false,
                "corporate": false,
                "disabled": false,
                "api_key": "b214894824e1c4762fb650866fea8f3c"
            "apiService": "personalname_us_race_ethnicity",
            "createdDateTime": 1620385794616,
            "totalUsage": 1,
            "lastFlushedDateTime": 1620386273418,
            "lastUsedDateTime": 1620386699945,
            "serviceFeaturesUsage": {}

Api Usage History code sample for java:

HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get("")
.header("X-API-KEY", "your-api-key")
.header("Accept", "application/json")

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "detailedUsage": [
            "apiKey": {
                "userId": null,
                "admin": false,
                "vetted": false,
                "learnable": true,
                "anonymized": false,
                "partner": false,
                "striped": false,
                "corporate": false,
                "disabled": false,
                "api_key": "b214894824e1c4762fb650866fea8f3c"
            "apiService": "personalname_us_race_ethnicity",
            "createdDateTime": 1620385794616,
            "totalUsage": 1,
            "lastFlushedDateTime": 1620386273418,
            "lastUsedDateTime": 1620386699945,
            "serviceFeaturesUsage": {}

Api Usage History Aggregate

  • Detail: Delivers a consolidated record of API usage, breaking down usage by service. Each data point in the "data" field aligns with a row header in the "rowHeaders" field. Similarly, every value within a data point in the "data" field matches a column header in the "colHeaders" field. Ex: To find the period of data[0], lookup rowHeaders[0]. To find the service corresponding to data[0][3], lookup colHeaders[3].
  • Cost: 1 credit per name.

HTTP request:

http request
Request header:
X-API-KEYRequiredYour API key for Namsor's services.
timeUnitStringTime unit utilizes in the "rowHeaders" field. Can vary based on API use, such as "DAY", "WEEK", or "MONTH".
periodStartNumberReporting period commencement, represented in UNIX time.
periodEndNumberReporting period ending, represented in UNIX format.
totalUsageNumberCumulative usage for the ongoing period.
historyTruncatedBooleanIndication if the retrieved data has been shortened due to size constraints.
dataArray of arraysConsolidated API usage displayed as an array of data indicators (or nested arrays).
colHeadersArrayColumn labels used to link API services with their respective values in each dataset.
rowHeadersArrayRow labels who associated a time span with a specific data set..
Code sample:

Api Usage History Aggregate code sample for javascript:

const response = await fetch("", {
"method": "GET",
"headers": {
  "X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
  "Accept": "application/json"

if (response.ok) {
const data = await response.json(); // Extract JSON data from response
console.log(data); // View data in the console
} else {
console.error("The request failed with status:", response.status, response);

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "timeUnit": "DAY",
    "periodStart": 1600616581000,
    "periodEnd": 1600702981000,
    "totalUsage": 42,
    "historyTruncated": false,
    "data": [
    "colHeaders": ["chineseNameCandidates", "japaneseNameCandidates", "japaneseNameMatching", "name_category", "name_parser_type", "personalfullname_country", "personalfullname_gender", "personalname_country_diaspora", "personalname_gender", "personalname_origin_country", "personalname_phone_prefix", "personalname_us_race_ethnicity"],
    "rowHeaders": ["2020-09-20"]

Api Usage History Aggregate code sample for python:

import requests

url = ""

headers = {
"X-API-KEY": "your-api-key",
"Accept": "application/json"

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers)


The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "timeUnit": "DAY",
    "periodStart": 1600616581000,
    "periodEnd": 1600702981000,
    "totalUsage": 42,
    "historyTruncated": false,
    "data": [
    "colHeaders": ["chineseNameCandidates", "japaneseNameCandidates", "japaneseNameMatching", "name_category", "name_parser_type", "personalfullname_country", "personalfullname_gender", "personalname_country_diaspora", "personalname_gender", "personalname_origin_country", "personalname_phone_prefix", "personalname_us_race_ethnicity"],
    "rowHeaders": ["2020-09-20"]

Api Usage History Aggregate code sample for shell:

curl --request GET \ 
--url \
--header 'X-API-KEY: your-api-key' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "timeUnit": "DAY",
    "periodStart": 1600616581000,
    "periodEnd": 1600702981000,
    "totalUsage": 42,
    "historyTruncated": false,
    "data": [
    "colHeaders": ["chineseNameCandidates", "japaneseNameCandidates", "japaneseNameMatching", "name_category", "name_parser_type", "personalfullname_country", "personalfullname_gender", "personalname_country_diaspora", "personalname_gender", "personalname_origin_country", "personalname_phone_prefix", "personalname_us_race_ethnicity"],
    "rowHeaders": ["2020-09-20"]

Api Usage History Aggregate code sample for java:

HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get("")
.header("X-API-KEY", "your-api-key")
.header("Accept", "application/json")

The above command produces a JSON structure as follows:

    "timeUnit": "DAY",
    "periodStart": 1600616581000,
    "periodEnd": 1600702981000,
    "totalUsage": 42,
    "historyTruncated": false,
    "data": [
    "colHeaders": ["chineseNameCandidates", "japaneseNameCandidates", "japaneseNameMatching", "name_category", "name_parser_type", "personalfullname_country", "personalfullname_gender", "personalname_country_diaspora", "personalname_gender", "personalname_origin_country", "personalname_phone_prefix", "personalname_us_race_ethnicity"],
    "rowHeaders": ["2020-09-20"]
© Gender Guesser Applied Onomastics | NamSor SAS is a French Limited Liability Company, Reg. 81148844400019 - VAT FR84811488444 | Data Protection Reg. 1876223
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